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Class Addition Requests
Contrary to common belief, there are in fact items that do not correspond to the common class combinations, or that can only be used by one or two similar classes, and are actually supposed to be that way. So unless you have a better argument for why an item should be <my class> usable than "This here other class that shares armor type/casting stat with mine can use it and I can't!" please do not post a request to have your class added to it. If you do post without a good argument for your class to be added to it, the post will be trashcanned.

Loot and the bitching thereof
Anyone who does a blanket "your entire zone sucks" post or "all loot in this zone is terribly unbalanced" post without providing specific, concrete examples to back what they're saying up will be banned outright from the forums. We are interested in constructive criticism, not shitting on anything that doesn't provide you with the exact amount of hp and mana that you feel you deserve. If you think the loot in a zone is too good or not good enough, provide specific examples, detailed comparisons of the encounters to ones that drop comparable loot and in general sound reasoning instead of this general bitching and whining and crying because your hp isn't big enough / someone else's hp is almost as big as yours / your e-ego is stung.

I support this product and/or service
Stop posting this and variants of it. Every other post is crap like this, and it does nothing except take up space. Contribute your own opinion as to why a suggestion is good, instead of posting a catchphrase or a two word "I agree".

Personal Attacks/Tone
Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated. In order for this forum to function as a conduit between the players and the developers there must be a basic level of decency, patience and understanding present. The quickest way to get a thread trashcanned (and yourself a forum break) is to be a dick.

Think Big and Broad
Almost no change in a game like SoD is doable in a vacuum. Increasing the power or utility of one class will inevitably decrease the relative power of competing classes. If you want any argument you make on this thread to be taken seriously, you need to directly address balance issues it may have, and why that change in balance is warranted. Saying "I think it would be cool to give Necromancer's ports" without spending a substantial amount of time explaining why we should step on Wizard and Druid toes will just get your thread trashed.
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